Hey everyone.

18 Apr 2022, 22:10
Veno Hey everyone. No major update so I won't do a ping to everyone, but it's important that we sometimes touch base on these things. <a:Burnit:837026617997131788> Fud Fud Fud Fud is everywhere. It's in and around every project out there. It's your job as a holder to spend the time learning about the projects you involve yourself or your finances in. It's our job to make sure the information you're seeking is obtainable and accurate. Please, if you ever feel like you have Fud (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt), take a few moments and have a conversation with us and the community. The following channels are available 💬 #💼│serious-chat 💬 #📰│educational 🧾 #💳card│faq 🧾 #🔭v2│faq 🧾 #💱exchange│faq 👂We're Listening We know sometimes you're looking for an update that we haven't given yet, but we do listen and we are working on bringing you updated information regarding your most requested topics such as the card, the exchange, Gambia, pheonix, website updates, wind turbine updates, global tokenomics updates, liquidity information, and more. I can make the promise that everything on the community level is worked up the chain so that the team is aware of what the community wants and is looking for. We know asking for your continued patience is the last response anyone usually wants, but the reality is that in the tech and crypto space, there's a lot of moving parts and a lot of hands involved in each of those parts. Given this, delays are often just part of the process, and a majority (arguably all) projects face them to some degree. The staff and moderators involved at the community level are working tirelessly to improve the communication you all feel you get, but are sometimes unable to give you the answers you seek at the time you seek them. Please have patience with them, as you expect us to have with you. <:warning:943277411183755295> New Discord Toys means New Scammers We released a new bot toy today (please see #🟦│bit-age). It's meant to be an additional layer of community entertainment and is currently being tested around the discord. One of the commands tied to this is >rank to see your server activity ranking. Then out come the scammers. Some may DM you fake information regarding the game and rank. SafeMoon Staff will NOT DM you first for support or game-bot reasons.